9 Best Books and Courses About King’s Indian Defence
Kings Indian Defence is a very popular line on every level of chess. This opening provides you will get very sharp and dynamic positions for both sides. If a player likes attacking chess, he should play Kings Indian Defence. Kings Indian Defence is a favorite choice of top players like Ding Liren, Teimour Radjabov, Bobby Fischer, Garry Kasparov, and Hikaru Nakamura.
We have already written an article on the top player in Kings Indian Defence. You can check it out here. In this article, we will discuss some famous books and courses about King’s Indian Defence. Some of these books give a direct repertoire, some of them provide instructive games, while some touch upon key concepts in the Kings Indian.
The most common plan for Black is to use this space to build an attack on the white king. To prepare for this defense, you should learn how to play chess strategically and focus on developing your pieces to create strong attacks. You should also study typical King‘s Indian Attack plans and learn how to defend against them.
Best Books and Courses about King’s Indian Defence
All of the following courses and books are great and I have added them with a lot of research. If you want to purchase from the list, I highly recommend 1st two recommendations (GM Ivan’s course and the chess book named opening simulator)
King’s Indian Defence – Expert Repertoire for Black by GM Ivan Cheparinov

GM Ivan is a very strong chess player from Bulgaria. In this repertoire, he analyzed a King’s Indian opening. I personally purchased this database in June 2023 and got an immediate benefit in the Dortmund Open tournament, which I played in July 2023.
This course is divided into two parts. Part 1 covers all variations in King’s Indian Defense except Saemisch Variation, all the g2-g3 systems, and White’s rare options on move 5. Part 2 covers all the remaining variations mentioned earlier.
The price of this course is very moderate compared to Chessable’s lifetime repertoire. This course is originally priced at $79 for each part. But if you purchase both courses using code NIKHIL45 , You will get an additional 60% off.
This detailed course is suitable for beginners to Master level players, including International masters and Grandmasters.
Opening Simulator: Kings Indian Defence

Opening Simulator Kings Indian Defence is a book written by Esben Lund and Andreas Hagen and published by quality chess. This book was published in 2019. This book contains a lot of problems at different levels. They believe that if you solve many positions from this book, you will become a strong player.
Authors compared this book with the woodpecker method book and said to follow the same methodology. In this book, the theory part is not explained in deep with analysis, but the puzzle selection is good.
This book is perfect for everyone once you study King’s Indian Defense in depth. I highly recommend you buy this book once you finish GM Ivan’s chess course. This book covers more than 500 chess puzzles which are going to be very useful for getting various middlegame ideas.
Kings Indian Warfare by GM Ilya Smirin

Quality Chess published the book Kings Indian Warfare written by Ilya Smirin. Smirin Ilya is from Israel, and he is three times Israeli chess champion and won many major tournaments in his career. As the name suggests, King’s Indian Warfare is a practical guide to the most dynamic and ambitious defense against 1.d4. Learn to play the King’s Indian like a world-class attacker from a life-long expert.
Smirin annotates his best games in the King’s Indian, explaining his successes, including his mini-match of four games over a decade against former World Champion Vladimir Kramnik, which Smirin won 2½–1½. From sacrificial feasts to positional masterclasses, this book has it all.
Bologan’s King’s Indian Defence: A modern repertoire for Black

Victor Bologan a Grandmaster from Moldova, has written this book Bologan’s King’s Indian. Victor Bologan played Kings Indian Defence for his whole life. So in this book, Victor Bologan presents a complete King’s Indian repertoire for Black that is much more than just a lucidly explained and very playable set of responses.
In many lines, he presents two options to handle the Black position. Victor Bologan made a practical guide, not forgetting about the objectively less serious lines, where the surprise value plays an important role.
Classical King’s Indian Defense by GM Marian Petrov

In this course, GM Marian Petrov explained how to play King’s Indian Defense and its basics. This course mainly focuses on main lines known as Classical Variations. We would highly recommend this course for beginners and intermediate chess players. There are also model games included, which you can use for reference.
Kotronias on the King’s Indian series

Quality Chess has published Kotronias on the Kings Indian series by Greek Grandmaster Vassilios Kotronias. He is very well known for his king’s Indian Defence play. Grandmaster Vassilios Kotronias places this bold system under the microscope and provides a world-class repertoire for Black. This series contains five volumes, the first volume of the series, Kotronias, examines all the major set-ups featuring an early g2-g3.
The second and third part covers the mainline, i.e., Be2. In the 4th volume classical system is covered and in the last volume, Samisch and the rest of the openings are covered. This series is very deep and well-analyzed by Vassilios Kotronias.
The King’s Indian Defence Move by Move

Everyman Chess has published the book The Kings Indian Defence Move by Move. In this book, Sam Collins explained King’s Indian Defence as a simple explanation. He points out that black plays for three results. In general white d4-players tend to be more on the solid side and, therefore, usually don’t like wild, attacking games. This book is perfect for those who are a beginner and want to start Kings Indian Defence.
Opening repertoire 2A Kings Indian and Grunfeld

In the above books, we see books for black to prepare Kings Indian Defence but this book is for white and written by well-known coach Boris Avrukh. This book is published by quality chess. volume 2A is the third out of four brand-new volumes in which Avrukh revamps, expands, and generally improves upon his previous work in every way possible.
This chess book provides a world-class repertoire against the Grünfeld and King’s Indian, two of Black’s most popular and dynamic defenses. The author remains faithful to his preferred Fianchetto System but has completely re-analyzed it to forge an even more effective repertoire weapon than before.
Learn the King’s Indian Defense

This is a lesson on chess.com where you will understand the basic concepts of King’s Indian Defense. There are also multiple tactics included in the lessons. It is a very short lesson, and you can finish in just 21 min A great way to start learning King’s Indian Defense for beginners.
Is the King’s Indian defense a good opening?
King’s Indian Defense is very popular and played by many top chess grandmasters. King’s Indian is also a very attacking opening. If you are a tactical player then I would highly recommend you to play King’s Indian Defense. You can get any of the above books and start preparing.
How can I learn King’s Indian defense?
You can refer to this article. Purchase any chess book or course recommended here and then start working on it. Don’t purchase multiple databases and books, as you will get confused. I would highly recommend you hire a good chess coach if you really want to prepare for King’s Indian Defense. Watch this 10-minute video to understand the basics of King’s Indian Defense.
Is the King’s Indian defense aggressive?
King’s Indian Defense is an aggressive opening in general. There are lots of variations in KID, which are very tactically sharp. The most aggressive opening in King’s Indian is the Classical Variation and Samisch Variation.
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