Chess Course Review: Next Level Training by Noel Studer

Noel Studer, a Swiss grandmaster, and a very strong chess grandmaster, started writing blogs on his website. Because of his proficiency in chess and high-quality blogs, he became very popular in the chess world. In this article, we are going to review Next Level Training by Noel Studer. Disclaimer – This review is not paid…

8 Best Books and Courses of Annotated Chess Games

8 Best Books and Courses of Annotated Chess Games

Watching chess games and learning from them is one of the best ways to improve in chess. Various best chess books and courses of annotated chess games will help you learn the concepts quickly.  This article will show eight books and courses highly recommended for every chess player. These books are suitable for anyone up…

7 Best Chess Endgame Books and Courses for Beginners
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7 Best Chess Endgame Books and Courses for Beginners

Studying endgames can be boring, especially for beginners. Various chess courses and books are available to make players’ life easy. This article will show the seven best chess endgame books for beginner chess players. First, understanding your endgame knowledge is important to study endgames. The first step is learning basic chess endgames and then going…