How to Update Profile Photo on FIDE Profile?
Updating your profile photo on your FIDE profile is a straightforward process that allows you to personalize your presence on the official website of the World Chess Federation. FIDE, also known as the Fédération Internationale des Échecs, is the global governing body for chess, responsible for organizing international chess competitions and maintaining player ratings.
Your profile photo serves as a visual representation of yourself within the chess community and can help others recognize you during tournaments, events, and online interactions. By following a few simple steps, you can easily update your profile photo on your FIDE profile and ensure that it accurately reflects your current image.

How to Update Profile Photo on FIDE Profile?
Updating the FIDE profile picture is very easy and a one-stop process.
You just have to send an email to
While sending an email, attach your high-quality photo and ID card (For ID, I attached my Passport front copy, and it worked)
I received a reply with an updated FIDE Profile photo within 24 hours.
It’s a very easy process, and it will take less than 5 min.
Email Draft
Following is the sample email, which you can copy and send to them.
Hello Team,
I want to update my profile photo on the FIDE profile.
Here are my details
Name – (Your Name)
I have attached my profile photo and passport page for verification.
Thank You,
(Your Name)
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