How much do chess coaches charge

How Much do Chess Coaches Charge?

Chess coaching is essential for beginner chess players looking to improve their game. As a beginner, there are thousands of chess topics that you need to understand. You must also develop your chess understanding, tactical patterns, and more. To do this, you will need a good chess coach who can help you to improve your game. But many players come to this question how much do chess coaches charge?

Chess Coaches usually charge anywhere between $20-75 per hour. For hobby classes, this amount is higher. Usually, this amount varies based on geographical location. In the USA, the rate is much higher compared to India. People can hire a good chess coach from anywhere in the world, thanks to online chess coaching.

A chess coach helps you in different aspects of your game. He will help you to improve your overall understanding, helps you with mental stability, etc. I highly recommend you to have a good mentor at a beginner level.

Many chess websites sell courses that are also quite good if you are already a club-level player. Intermediate chess players can improve their level by doing self-study and without any chess coach. But if you higher a chess coach, you will improve faster.

How Much do Chess Coaches Charge?

Chess coach charge anywhere between $30-75. This amount is for USA chess coaches. In the world, chess coaching price varies anywhere between $10-300. Yes! Some coaches charge even $300. Although in most cases, these charges are just based on individual perception and not on the quality they teach. Also, it depends from country to country. Sometimes you will find Grandmaster is teaching for $30, whereas any club-level player teaches for $50. Let’s see one by one how much chess coaches charge according to their titles and chess rating.

Charges are completely dependent on the student’s strength. If someone is IM looking for a chess coach, he atleast has to pay $80-100 to find a good chess coach. The main reason is the chess coach also needs to invest his time.


Grandmaster is the highest chess title. Once you complete the norm requirement and reach a 2500 rating, you become a grandmaster. Usually, the grandmaster rating ranges between 2450-2850. This is why rates also vary. 

Grandmasters charge anywhere between $30-500. This range is very wide, but this is true. In general, any grandmaster between 2500-2550 charges $40-100. It also depends on their experience and students’ strengths.

International Masters

International Master charges anywhere between $15-$100. Some IMs charge way more than this. If you are rated below 2000 and looking for a chess coach, you should find IM or FM. 

FIDE Masters

To get the FM title, one needs to cross the 2300 rating and then apply the title through the chess federation of their respective nation. FIDE Master charges from $10-50 per hour. You can see a huge difference between FM vs. IM vs. GM. This is because of the efforts and money IMs and GMs invested in chess. 

Candidate Masters

Candidate Masters charge $10-40 per hour. Candidate Master and FIDE Master are not very good titles in chess. Only IMs and GMs are the best titles. The biggest difference is norms. You don’t need to score norms to get CM and FM titles. 

Below 2200 FIDE Rated Players

This category is enormous, from unrated to 2200 FIDE Rating. Players usually charge between $5-$40. Yes. Mostly this range is similar to the CM level. But below 1800, chess players charges between $5-20. 

If you are looking for a chess coach, you should go for titled players. You will find many FMs who are below the 2200 FIDE rating. It is essential to check their peak rating. Some players reach 2400 in their career, but due to some problems, they decrease their Rating to 2100-2200. In this case, you can contact them. 

Let’s see some related questions regarding chess coach and chess coaching.

Why is chess coaching so expensive?

Chess coaching is relatively inexpensive. If you compare it with coding or any other skills, it is relatively inexpensive. But chess comes under a hobby for most people. If we consider it as a hobby, it is costly. If you wonder why chess coaching is expensive, let’s see the facts about becoming a Grandmaster. 

  • Time invested in getting GM title – 8-25 years 
  • Money invested in becoming GM – $30k-150k

These figures are based on real examples. If you think about the average Grandmaster who invested more than $50k and their time and energy, he is charging around $50-70, which is cheap. If you compare it with any other career, people charge way more. Also, in chess, you need expertise. 

How to find a chess coach?

We have already posted an article about how to spot real and fake gurus in chess. To find a good chess coach, you can use the following websites.

Here are some parameters which you can use and filter

  • Your Budget
  • Coach Rating (at Atleast should be +300 than your Rating)
  • Coaching experience
  • Languages (Always choose a chess coach who speaks the language that most comforts you and him)

Most players require online chess classes. If you are explicitly looking offline chess coach, filter it accordingly. 

Can you become a Grandmaster without a chess coach?

It is only possible to become Grandmaster from a beginner level. You will need a chess coach, atleast at the beginner level. Once you reach a certain level, you will understand everything about the chess system. Once you know this, it is easy to climb that leader and reach the Grandmaster Level.

I became FM and scored 4 IM norms without any chess coach. But I did teach from someone until 2014. From 2014-16 I took a break. From 2016-2019, I increased my Rating from 1919-2369 (Peak).

How to hire a chess coach

  • First, filter chess coaches according to your preference and makes a list.
  • Send them an inquiry message, and don’t promise them anything big
  • Wait for their reply and availability.
  • Do 2-3 sessions with 5-7 chess coaches within 30-40 days.
  • Choose the chess coach who suits you most. 

How much do chess coaches charge in India?

Chess coaches in India charge anywhere between $10-75. Grandmasters from India usually charge between $25-50. There are very cheap rates compared to USA or UK. 

You can find chess coaches in India from lichess or from 

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