Mastering the Game: An Insight into the Mind of IM Shantanu Bhambure
In this Series, we will publish interviews with titled players and academy owners. This series will help our readers to get insightful information.
This time, we interviewed IM Shantanu Bhambure, who recently became International Master.

Tell us about yourself – (Intro-Name, background, education)
My Name is Shantanu Bhambure; I live in Mumbai. I have completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering in my academic career.
How did you start playing chess? Could you tell us about your journey?
This is a funny one, I was returning to Mumbai by Train, and one of my friends had a chessboard with him. He explained the rules, and I was good to go. During our first game, I managed not only to beat him but also to capture his king!
What Attracted You To The Game Of Chess?
Just the way the pieces moved and the infinite number of things we could do in a particular game.
You recently became IM. Could you tell us about that?
It was a surreal experience; I did not expect that I would score my final norm as the start of the tournament was horrendous. I drew against 1800, Uff. I completely gave up at that point. I just told myself I should take one game at a time. To be very frank, luck did play a huge role in achieving my final norm. I would like to thank my Parents, Coach, and roommates for believing that I could achieve such a huge feat. Also, a special mention to “Yours Truly” for giving me one piece of advice for the tournament’s final match!

Who was your first chess idol, and why?
My first Idol was nobody. I do not have any idols. I am not a prominent adherent of anyone.
What is your favorite chess book, and why?
My favorite book is Recognizing your opponent’s resources by Mark Dvoretsky; since I am a prophylactic player, I am inclined toward this book. It might sound a bit strange to everyone!
What are your goals in chess?
I just want to keep improving in the game. I just want to keep up with the pace.
What are your hobbies apart from chess?
I like listening to music, watching movies, hanging out with my friends, etc.
What is your usual schedule for chess tournaments?
It constantly varies from tournament to tournament. It also depends on my mood. Mostly I play the tournaments outside India, so the Rounds are in the evening. After the game is over, I like to go through my game, where I went wrong, what I could have done differently, etc.; after that, I cook food for my roommates and me. Then I generally chit-chat with my roommates about random stuff. In the mornings, I just wake up and prepare for the game.

Could you tell us about your coaching experience?
My coaching experience has been fantastic; my students enjoy my training sessions thoroughly.
Shantanu recently launched his own chess academy with name Chess Crest Academy
From a chess coach’s perspective, what are the significant challenges and responsibilities?
Some Challenges are designing and implementing effective training programs of different levels and learning styles, keeping up with current developments in chess theory and tech, and assessing and addressing weaknesses in students’ play. Some major responsibilities are, providing constructive feedback and personalized attention to each student and encouraging students to participate in tournaments and other competitive events.
Apart from chess practice, what other things do chess players need to focus on for improvement?
Play quite frequently. Some players don’t enjoy the process of working alone. So my recommendation would be to play more and more tournament games.

How can players achieve a 2200 rating? What type of practice do they need to follow?
There is no definite answer to this. Some players improve by playing online games. Some improve by practicing with their peers. Some by reading books etc. My advice would be to choose the way which keeps you hooked around the game.
How is technology helping in chess?
Tech has had a significant impact on the game in recent years, such as online platforms-These allow players to compete against each other from any location and at any time.
Chess databases-These vast collections of recorded games and analysis can be used to study openings, endgames, and other aspects of the game.
Chess Engines-These computer programs use advanced algorithms to analyze and evaluate positions, providing players with insights into their play and the play of others.
You can also book a class with IM Shantanu Bhambure on Fiverr
Rapid Fire Questions
- Favorite chess player – Magnus Carlsen
- My favorite chess movie – Pawn Sacrifice
- Favorite chess opening – Najdorf
- Favorite movie – Zindagi Na Milegi Dubara
- If not a chess coach, then what? – Streamer
- Favorite chess Youtuber – Hikaru Nkamura
- Favorite chess game – Magnus vs. Nepo 6th game WCH 2021
- Favorite non-chess book(s) – None.
Contact Details:
- Email –
- Coach Profile
- Lichess Coach Profile
We hope that you will find this interview useful. If you are running your own chess club or academy and want to publish your interview with us, please send us a mail at
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