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Discovered Attack in Chess – Basic Chess Tactics

Till now we saw tactics with all sorts of frontal attacks. Pins, Forks, Skweres, Double attacks. All of them were done with the attacker having one piece which attacks the target. Today we will see how to do surprise attacks in chess. Discovered check and Discovered attack Frontal attacks are easy to expect and judge…

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7 chess tips to win every game you play on chess.com

In this article, we are going to see the 10 chess tips to win every game you play on chess.com or any other chess websites such as lichess or play chess. If you are a beginner player then defiantly this article will help you a lot. Currently, chess is growing at 10x speed due to…

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Book Review – Logical Decision Making

Fundamental Chess: Logical Decision Making is one of those books which one can read at any point in life. The book is very instructive and explains the best possible way to practice fundamental chess.  It is such a book that can make an impact on the audience in an instant. The author GM Ramesh is…