In 2020 we have started this website. The main motive of this website is to provide the best content for those who want to improve their chess career. All the content on this site is free and available to everyone to use. We have also added a tournament calendar in which we post free tournaments from all over the world.

In any case, if you are reading this, it means you are one of those kind-hearted people who actually clicked on the donation page. I guess the easiest way would be to get directly to the point and pretend I am fully convinced I deserve your contribution.

What you are donating for
First of all , we both are full time professional chess players. We have been playing chess for more than 10 years. We are using our experience to write on this website. Generally we play a lot of tournaments to improve our chess. You can contribute to the above.
Secondly running any sort of blog requires certain basic expenses. Apart from that, you are also rewarding the time we invested in preparation for the articles and the very process of writing them. We also have to invest our time to analyse SEO, Analytics and web development.

How you can donate?

If You are from India, You can donate by clicking the button below


If you are from outside India, You can donate from here

Become a Patron!

If you are not able to support directly, You can purchase from amazon from following link. We are registered in amazon LCC programme.