What is the Best Chess Training Website?
There are only a few chess websites which are focusing on proper training. Most chess websites sell generic courses.
The main problem with this type of website is they don’t have a particular path to follow. Also, the cost of the courses is usually between $30-100. Some courses are way too expensive, which costs $199 and above.
This article will discuss the best chess training website for beginner, intermediate, and advanced chess players.

What is the best chess training website?
Chessmood is no doubt the best chess training website available on the internet. They have all the features needed to speed up the improvement process.
They also have a fantastic team of chess grandmasters who are ready to help you every time.
Chessmood is perfect for beginner to advanced chess players. The best thing is that you don’t need to hire any chess coach when you have a chessmood subscription.
The founders of the chessmood website are very passionate about player improvement, and they are trying really hard to improve their website features every single day.
When you look at the chess training process, what do you think is required?
We require a perfect chess training plan, opening videos and analysis, middlegame basics, and also endgame. You get everything with ChessMood.
Chessmood also has many success stories of players, from beginners to masters. Some of the chess players got international master titles, norms, and even more. You can read their success stories from the chessmood blog.

The subscription cost of ChessMood

Chessmood has very simple subscription plans, Pro and Essential. You can sign up for free on chessmood. They also have free video content in each course.
The essential plan starts at $59 or $49 per month if you buy a yearly subscription. In the essential plan, you get the following benefits.
- Access to all 300+ hours of courses and weekly updates
- Downloadable PGNs & Homework
- Access to all quizzes
In short, the essential plan gives you access to the courses and PGN files. This plan is suitable for hobby players who don’t have enough time to learn chess.
The pro plan starts at $89 per month or $79 per month if paid annually. The pro plan gives the following benefits
- All essential plan benefits plus
- Access to all streams
- Access to all webinars
- Pro member channel in the forum
- 1-1 & simultaneous games
If you purchase a yearly pro plan, you get additional benefits such as
- Personalized 1-1 call with Grandmaster
- Personalized Study Plan
The Yearly pro plan provides much more value than other plans. Hopping on a call with GM and getting a personalized study plan costs you way too much.
They also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee, which builds another level of trust.
It seems a big number if you think about $468 a year. Let’s calculate.
Suppose you hire a regular chess trainer or a coach; that will cost you $40-60 per hour. Ideally, you will take two classes weekly or 100 yearly classes. If we multiply $45 by 100, it’s $4000 per year. Note that, at $40 per hour, you will not get training from a strong Grandmaster.
Join ChessMood PRO Now!
Format of Chessmood’s training content
Chessmood training is very structure-based, and you will get everything in one place. Let’s deep dive into some of the best chessmood features available.
Courses and video lessons
I like the chessmood opening feature very much. They have simple opening structures with regular updates. They have suggested playing one opening for all players, which is comfortable for all levels. This is a game-changer.
If you visit different course platforms, you face major issues in choosing a good chess opening, and you purchase many chess courses.
Apart from openings, chessmood offers various chess courses on middlegame and endgames. I particularly liked following the courses
- 100 classical masterpieces
- 100 classical endgames
- 100 Classical Attacking Games
Most of the courses are targeted at 1000-2600 rated players. But some courses are targeted at beginners and intermediate chess players.
Chessmood recorded video lectures consisting of high-quality production and audio.
If you don’t want to purchase their membership, they have produced some high-quality chess videos on youtube, which are free to watch.
The chessmood forum provides you to connect with all other chessmood members. There is a separate forum for chessmood pro members where you can ask all doubts to members and also the grandmasters.
The chessMood forum is active and helpful for all players to ask doubts, find playing partners, etc. Usually, players don’t get playing partners to play and analyze their games with. Here you get an opportunity to find players with similar strengths.
Streams and webinars
Often chessmood organized different streams and webinars for their pro members. Most of the streams include games with pro members.
Streams and webinars are nice features to connect with Grandmasters. They will also answers while they are streaming.
Personalized Study Plan
When players start their chess journey, they don’t know what to study. This feature solves all the problems. You will get a 1-1 call with the grandmaster, where he will understand all of your weaknesses and strengths.
It will help you to get better at the chess training process.
Are chessmood courses worth it?
This is a real question for everyone. I would probably say yes and no if you asked me only about courses. But if you see chessmood as a one-stop solution for everything, they are worth it.
Chessmood video lectures are high quality and also targeted to improve one’s strengths.
How is Chessmood different from other chess training websites?
This is a bit interesting question. If you see other chess websites, they are primarily focused on creating more and more courses or private classes.
There was a major gap before chessmood that players would get a one-stop solution for all. GM Avetik found that gap and started work on it.
On chessmood, you will find everything under a roof. You don’t need any other membership once you purchase this one.
Is Chessmood suitable for all skill levels, from beginner to advanced?
You will find many chess courses dedicated to particular levels.
Still, if you are above 2200, chessmood is might not suitable for you.
Chessmood Vs. Personal Trainer
A personal trainer will help you much more than any chess membership site. They will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses and then analyze your games, tell your mistakes, and much more.
Chessmood has some limitations. They have a small team and obviously cannot assign you a dedicated manager or a coach who will help you 24*7.
A personal trainer will also help you to provide exact chess material. They will also guide you in choosing the tournaments and help you in between tournaments.
Chessmood is a chess community platform. It’s not a one-on-one mentorship program.
If you hire a personal trainer, it will cost you way more than this membership.
The following points will guide you much better.
- If you are a chess player with a below 1000 rating, go with chess.com Diamond Membership.
- If you are between 1000-1800, go with ChessMood essential or pro membership.
- If you are between 1800-2200 players, you can study chess with books, buy a chessmood or chess.com membership, look for other options, or simply hire chess coaches.
- If you are a 2200+ player, you probably already know what is best suitable for you.
If you want to hire a chess coach, I would highly recommend finding someone whom you know. If you don’t know anyone, you can hire a chess trainer from the Fiverr platform.
Join ChessMood PRO Now!
Alternative to ChessMood
There is no natural alternative for chessmood that provides exact features like this website. But I want to recommend chess.com membership, which is the best chess website on the internet.
It’s also a very cheap option compared to chessmood. Chess.com Diamond Membership will cost you $120 per year.
This will provide you with unlimited lessons, tactics trainer, puzzle rush, game review, drills, and many more chess features you haven’t imagined.
Although chess.com don’t provide live training or 1-1 chess training.
We have already written a complete review of chess.com Diamond Membership which you can read by clicking here.
Whether a pro chess player or a beginner, You should have at least a chess.com platinum membership.
If you don’t have enough budget to purchase any membership (chessmood or chess.com), there is always an alternative available, like lichess, which is completely free and also one of the best websites.
You can also study with chess books instead of using all these training tools and websites. I have listed the 20 best chess books for intermediate players, which you can read here.
Chessmood and Chess.com are undoubtedly the most excellent chess websites currently on the internet and in the chess world.
Chessmood is recommended for players between 1000-2200, and chess.com is recommended for everyone!